

Editor extends EventEmitter. The parameter of Editor is EditorOptions

instance new Editor(EditorOptions)

For example:

const editor = new Editor({
  container: `#container`

use Editor css

import 'sp-editor/editor/css'






修改光标所在元素的标签 Replace the tag of the element under the cursor

Param Types Required Description
nodeName string no allowed element names, UL, SECTION etc. If undefined, use the default options.childNodeName.

changeStyles(styles, value)

修改光标所在元素的样式 Change the style of the element where the cursor is located

Param Types Required Description
styles CSSProperties/string no When it’s undefined or null, all styles will be removed.
value any no -


销毁事件 destroy events


获取光标所在的元素 Get the element where the cursor is located

Param Types Required Description
isOnlyEditorChild boolean no Must be a child element of editor HTMLElement. For example: when it is false, the li element is returned in ul/ol, and when it is true, the ul/ol element is returned.


获取编辑器中的HTML代码,会自动去除结尾处的空行。 get html string from content element.

Param Types Required Description
retainLastBlankLines boolean no Retain last blank lines, If true the last <section><br></section> not will be removed.


获取光标所在的元素的style对象 Get the style object of the element where the cursor is located

insert(input, toNewParagraph)

向编辑器中插入内容/HTML代码/元素等 insert html or element to content element

Param Types Required Description
input string/HTMLElement yes -
toNewParagraph boolean no Insert text in a new paragraph, only textNode is valid. Defaults to false.


设置编辑器内容,会覆盖之前内容 set html to the content element

Param Types Required Description
html string yes -

use(plugin, parentElement)

extension, 扩展插件

Param Types Required Description
plugin EditorPlugin yes -
parentElement HTMLElement no -



Editor initialization parameters

Prop Types Required Description
container string/HTMLElement no container that Editor parent HTMLElement
editable boolean no The contenteditable global attribute is an enumerated attribute indicating if the element should be editable by the user. If so, the browser modifies its widget to allow editing. default true.
placeholder string no 编辑器内容为空是的提示内容,default 请在此输入内容..
placeholderColor string no placeholder color, default #999
lineHeight string/number no 编辑器内容行高,default 1.5
minHeight string/number no min height, default 50vh
paddingBottom string/number no Set paddingBottom to avoid being obscured by toolbar or style panel, default 50vh
childNodeName string no Editor’s child node name, default section
allowedNodeNames string[] no 允许使用的编辑器子元素节点名称, default ['SECTION', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'BLOCKQUOTE', 'UL', 'OL'] allowed Node names
paragraphTailSpacing string/number no paragraph tail spacing, default 10px
caretColor string no 光标颜色
textColor string no 编辑器文本默认颜色 default color of editor text, default #333333
customPasteHandler (e: ClipboardEvent) => void no 自定义用户粘贴处理函数
styles CSSProperties no 编辑器自定义样式
insertTextToNewParagraph boolean no Insert text to new paragraph, only textNode is valid. default false
Source Code ```ts interface EditorOptions { // container that Editor parent HTMLElement container?: string | HTMLElement // The `contenteditable` global attribute is an enumerated attribute indicating // if the element should be editable by the user. // If so, the browser modifies its widget to allow editing. default `true`. editable?: boolean // 编辑器内容为空是的提示内容,default `请在此输入内容..` placeholder?: string // placeholder color, default `#999` placeholderColor?: string // 编辑器内容行高,default `1.5` lineHeight?: string | number // min height, default `50vh` minHeight?: string | number // Set paddingBottom to avoid being obscured by toolbar or style panel, default `50vh` paddingBottom?: string | number // Editor's child node name, default `section` childNodeName?: string // 允许使用的编辑器子元素节点名称, // default `['SECTION', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'BLOCKQUOTE', 'UL', 'OL']` // allowed Node names allowedNodeNames?: string[] // paragraph tail spacing, default 10px paragraphTailSpacing?: string | number // 光标颜色 caretColor?: string // 编辑器文本默认颜色 default color of editor text, default `#333333` textColor?: string // 自定义用户粘贴处理函数 customPasteHandler?: (e: ClipboardEvent) => void // 编辑器自定义样式 styles?: CSSProperties // Insert text to new paragraph, only `textNode` is valid. default `false` insertTextToNewParagraph?: boolean } ```


Prop Types Required Description
install (e: Editor, parentElement?: HTMLElement) => void yes -
Source Code ```ts interface EditorPlugin { install: (e: Editor, parentElement?: HTMLElement) => void } ```

Other Docs

Docs Description Url
Editor class Editor documentation, main module of SpEditor. /docs/Editor.md
EventEmitter class EventEmitter documentation. /docs/EventEmitter.md
SpEditor class SpEditor documentation. /docs/SpEditor.md
nodejs-helpers nodejs-helpers documentation. /docs/nodejs-helpers.md
Others Other documentations. /docs


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